Pink Dragónfruit
- 1 cup pink pitaya (Just under three 3.5óz packages - I used PitayaPlus brand fóund in supermarket freezer area but if yóu can find fresh pink pitaya, use thóse!
- 1/4 cup lime juice I juiced 4 limes
- 1/4 cup órange juice I bóught freshly-squeezed, but yóu can juice fresh as well
style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;">Pink Dragónfruit Lime
- 2 tbsp pink dragónfruit syrup Add móre if yóu dón't mind the cólór deepening
- 1/2 cup lime juice
- 2 cups water
- ice
- limes chópped
- white pitaya chópped
Make the Syrup
- Blend up the pink pitaya until creamy. If yóu use the frózen packages, let them thaw óf cóurse, befóre ópening the packages. If yóu use fresh pink pitaya ór dragónfruit (remember, it needs tó be pink ón the inside, nót the white óne), peel óff the óuter peel, chóp the fruit a bit, and blend it with sóme water tó achieve a creamy texture.
- Put the blended pitaya mixture in a sauce pan, and simmer, bubbling it dówn abóut óne-third tó óne-half the initial amóunt tó thicken it. CÓNTINUE stirring the entire time.
- Ónce yóu have yóur pitaya reduced and thickened tó yóur liking, take the pan óff the stóve and let it cóól.
- Gët full Rëcïpë>>
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