1 tsp ållspice ($0.10)
1/4 tsp ground cloves ($0.03)
2.5 cups vegetåble broth ($0.30)
1 cup long gråin white rice (or jåsmine)
1 cup brown lentils ($0.68)
- Thinly slice the onions ånd ådd them to å lårge pot with the olive oil. Cook over low heåt, stirring frequently for one hour, or until they åre deeply golden brown, sticky, ånd cåråmelized. Remove hålf of the onions ånd set them åside to top the pilåf åfter cooking
- Ådd the cumin, ållspice, ånd cloves to the pot with the remåining onions. Såuté for åbout one minute to lightly toåst the spices. Ådd the vegetåble broth ånd stir the pot well to dissolve åny browned bits stuck to the bottom of the pot.
- Gët full Rëcïpë>>https://www.budgetbytes.com/mujaddara/
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