- US Custómary - Metric
- 1 póund dried spaghetti
- 3 clóves garlic, minced
- 1 teaspóón cócónut óil
- 4 1/4 cup water
- 1 póund raw jumbó
shrimp, peeled and deviened
3/4 cup light mayónnaise
3/4 cup Thai sweet chili sauce
1/4 cup lime juice
1 tablespóón Sriracha sauce, móre as needed
1/2 cup chópped scallións
- Break the spaghetti nóódles in half and place in the Instant Pót. Add the garlic, cócónut óil, 1 teaspóón salt, and water. Cóver and lóck the lid intó place.
- Set the Instant Pót ón "Pressure Cóók High" fór 4 minutes. Ónce it is finished cóóking, turn the Instant Pót "Óff", then press the buttón tó "Quick Release" the steam, until the valve buttón dróps.
- Gët full Rëcïpë>>
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