dêlicióus yummy rêcipê? lêt's sêê thê simplê rêcipê, guàràntêêd
gööd...hàppy cöök guys!!
- 10 êgg roll wrappêrs
- 2 cups cookêd sirloin stêak strips
- 1/2 grêên bêll pêppêr, thinly slicêd
- 1/2 purplê onion, thinly slicêd
- 3 tbsp buttêr
- 1/2 tsp garlic powdêr
- 5 slicês provolonê chêêsê, halvêd
- canola oil for frying
- 1
êgg, lightly bêatên
For thê Saucê:
- 1/2 cup light mayo
- 1 tbsp milk
- 1 tsp horsêradish
- 1/4 tsp garlic powdêr
- 1/8 tsp frêsh crackêd pêppêr
- Fill your fryêr or pot with at lêast 1 inch dêêp of canola oil. Hêat to 375 dêgrêês F.
- In a sautê pan mêlt buttêr ovêr mêdium high hêat. Add thê pêppêr strips and onions and cook until soft and têndêr (about 5 minutês), thên toss in thê stêak and garlic powdêr, stir to combinê. Rêmovê from hêat and lêt cool to room têmpêraturê.
- Gêt full rêcipê>>https://iwashyoudry.com/philly-cheese-steak-egg-rolls/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed:+IWashYouDry+(I+Wash...+You+Dry)
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