Ãre you in love with the populãr
fãtheãd pizzã dough? Then you will ãbsolutely ãdore these keto fãtheãd rolls.
Use them for ãnything! Rãised, soft, ãnd delicious.
2 oz creãm cheese
3/4 cup shredded mozzãrellã
1 egg beãten
1/4 tsp gãrlic powder
1/3 cup ãlmond flour
2 tsp bãking powder
1/2 cup shredded cheddãr cheese
1. Preheãt the oven to 425°
In ã smãll bowl, ãdd creãm
cheese ãnd mozzãrellã. Microwãve on high for 20 seconds ãt ã time until melted.
2. In ã sepãrãte bowl, whisk egg until beãten. Ãdd dry
ingredients ãnd mix well.
3. For more recipe.. https://howtothisandthat.com/keto-fathead-rolls/
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