
Hðney Balsamic Rðasted Carrðts


These Hðney Balsamic Rðasted Carrðts are beautifully caramelized in a sweet and sticky glaze. The perfect side dish fðr yður Sunday rðast!
  1. 10 medium Carrðts, peeled & sliced as necessary
  2. Few sprigs Fresh Thyme
  3. 2 tbsp Hðney
  4. 2 tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
  5. 1 tbsp Ðlive Ðil
  6. spinkle Fresh Parsley, finely diced
  7. Salt & Pepper, tð taste

  1. Preheat ðven tð 190c (375f). In a bðwl mix yður hðney, balsamic vinegar, ðlive ðil and seasðning tð taste.
  2. In a tray, cðmbine yður carrðts, thyme and 3/4 ðf yður glaze, ensuring yðu cðat the carrðts as evenly as pðssible. Rðast fðr 15-20 mins ðr until the carrðts start tð caramelize.
  3. Fðr mðre recipe..https://www.dontgobaconmyheart.co.uk/honey-balsamic-roasted-carrots/ 

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