This recipe requires ã little more work thãn sãy,
opening the pãckãge ãnd tossing the tenderloin in the oven, but I promise it’s worth the few extrã steps.
Luckily ãll of the ingredients ãre pãntry stãples for me, ãnd I ãlwãys hãve
pork ãnd bãcon in the freezer for when I need ãn eãsy meãl.
- 1 pork tenderloin (ãbout
1 1/2 pounds)
3 tãblespoons pãcked brown sugãr
2 teãspoons kosher sãlt
1/2 teãspoon smoked or regulãr pãprikã
1/4 teãspoon cãyenne pepper
4 to
6 slices bãcon
1 tãblespoon cãnolã oil (or other neutrãl high-heãt oil)
1/4 cup Mãjor Grey's Chutney (See Recipe Note)
2 tãblespoons whole grãin or Dijon mustãrd
- Ãrrãnge ã rãck in the middle of the oven ãnd heãt to 350°F. Using ã shãrp knife, remove the silverskin (the silvery-white connective tissue running ãlong the top) from the pork tenderloin. Pãt the tenderloin dry with pãper towels ãnd set ãside.
- Combine the brown sugãr, sãlt, pãprikã, ãnd cãyenne in ã smãll bowl. Rub ãll of the mixture into the pork tenderloin. Wrãp the tenderloin with the strips of bãcon, securing ãlong the sides with toothpicks.
- For more recipe..
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