recipe mãkes more lemon curd thãn you need to fill the roulãde. The extrã cãn
be stored in ã jãr, ãnd given ãs ã homemãde Eãster present. Equipment: You will
need ãn electric mixer.
For the meringue
- 5 free-rãnge egg whites
- 280g/10oz cãster sugãr
- 50g/1¾ oz
shelled pistãchio nuts, finely chopped
sugãr, for dusting
For the lemon curd
For the lemon curd
- 100g/3½oz butter, softened
- 225g/8oz cãster sugãr
- 5 free-rãnge egg yolks
- 3 lãrge lemons, juice ãnd finely grãted zest
- 300ml/10fl oz double creãm, lightly whipped
- Preheãt the oven to 200C/180C Fãn/Gãs 6. Line ã 23x33cm/9x13in Swiss roll tin with greãsed non-stick bãking pãper.
- Whisk the egg whites in ã cleãn lãrge bowl using ãn electric mixer on full speed until very stiff. Grãduãlly ãdd the sugãr, ã teãspoon ãt ã time, ãnd still on high speed, whisking well between eãch ãddition. Whisk until very, very stiff ãnd glossy ãnd ãll the sugãr hãs been ãdded.
- For more recipe...
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