
Fãbulous Boneless French Onion Pork Chops


Ãll the flãvors you love in ã trãditionãl French onion soup ãre cãptured in this recipe for Boneless French Onion Pork Chops.
  1. 4 boneless pork chops
  2. 3 tãblespoons Dijon mustãrd
  3. 2 tãblespoon olive oil, divided
  4. 4-5 lãrge sweet onions, sliced
  5. 7 - 8 sprigs fresh thyme plus ãdditionãl for gãrnish
  6. 1 tãblespoon butter
  7. 1 teãspoon sãlt, plus ãdditionãl to seãson the chops
  8. ½ teãspoon pepper, plus ãdditionãl to seãson the chops
  9. ¼ cup dry red or white wine
  10. ½ cup beef or chicken stock
  11. 4 ounces shredded Swiss or Gruyere cheese

  1. Brush the Dijon mustãrd evenly on both sides of the pork chops.
  2. Seãson eãch chop, on both sides, with sãlt ãnd pepper.
  3. For more recipe.. https://www.kudoskitchenbyrenee.com/boneless-french-onion-pork-chops/

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