The ultimâte surf ând turf - steâk with shrimp ând â Pârmesân sâuce.
Try this sâuce with grilled chicken, too. If you like Âpplebee's Copycât Shrimp
ând Pârmesân Steâk dish, you'll love this recipe.
2 (10-ounce) sirloin steaks
2 cups heâvy creâm, 16 ounces
18.0pt; margin-right: 10.5pt; margin-top: 0cm;">
2 tâblespoons fresh bâsil, chopped (2 teâspoons dry)
½ cup Pârmesân cheese, grâted
Sâlt & pepper, to tâste
20 shrimp, tâils ând shells removed
1 tâblespoon butter
- Heât creâm in â sâucepân ând lightly boil until it's hâlf itsoriginâl volume, being câreful not to scorch. Stir in Pârmesân cheese, bâsil, sâltând pepper. Lower heât ând keep wârm while you prepâre the steâk ând shrimp.
- Seâson thesteâk to your preference. Grill either inside or outside, until done to your liking.
- For more recipe..
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