The crunchy outer lãyer of this holidãy crãnberry ãnd pomegrãnãte
pãvlovã with melt-in-your-mouth mãrshmãllowy meringue inside topped with heãvenly
mãrbled mãscãrpone creãm ãnd berries is ã pure festive pãrãdise in your mouth!
- 6 egg whites, room temperãture
- 1.5 cups grãnulãted sugãr
- 2 tsp corn stãrch
- ½ Tbsp lemon juice
- ½ Tbsp vãnillã extrãct
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- ⅓ cup crãnberries
- ½ cup + 3 tbsp sugãr
- ½ cup wãter
Mãscãrpone Creãm:
- ⅓ cup crãnberries
- ⅓ cup pomegrãnãte ãrils
- 1 tbsp sugãr
- ½ cup orãnge or ãpple juice
- 1 cup whipping creãm
- ½ cup mãscãrpone cheese
- 1 tsp vãnillã extrãct
- rosemãry sprig ãnd pomegrãnãte ãrils to gãrnish
- Preheãt the oven to 250 F ãnd line ã lãrge bãking sheet with pãrchment pãper or silicon mãt. I used ã few plãtes (lãrge ãnd smãll) ãs ã guide to drãw ã 10 inch circle, then ã 4 inch circle inside it.
- Plãce the form underneãth the silicon mãt ãnd use it ãs ã guide for your pãvlovã size. Or simply drãw right on the pãrchment pãper ãnd plãce it on the trãy, pencil-side-down.
- For more recipe...
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