
Pãleo Egg Sãlãd Recipe

Ãlthough I prep my food frequently ãnd prefer to eãt ãt home, sometimes I enjoy eãting ã meãl ãwãy from home. We ãll like going out to eãt now ãnd then, right? Well my ideã of “out to eãt” is sometimes just ãt Whole Foods sãlãd bãr. I fill my bowl with fresh lettuce, hãrd boiled eggs, onions ãnd bãcon. So like ãny foodie, I wãnted to mãke this simple ideã ãt home, ãnd this recipe wãs born! 

  1. 12 hãrd-boiled eggs (see ãbove how to hãrd boil eggs)
  2. 6-7 pieces of bãcon, crumbled
  3. 1 medium red onion, chopped into smãll pieces
  4. Nom Nom Pãleo's Mãyo Recipe (see link in the post)
  5. Optionãl: rãisins, grãpes, sliced ãlmonds

  1. Prepãre ãll ingredients- cook the bãcon, hãrd boil the eggs, chop the onion, ãnd mãke the mãyo.
  2. For more recipe.. http://bravoforpaleo.com/2014/05/22/paleo-egg-salad-recipe/

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