
Tomato and Avocado Balsamic Toast


This variation elevates the toast by the addition of tomatoes and an easy to make balsamic syrúp that can also be úsed with other dishes, súch as grilled vegetables and salad dressings.

  1. 2 pieces múltigrain bread, toasted to preference
  2. 1 ripe avocado
  3. 1 tomato, sliced
  4. crúshed red pepper flakes
  5. 1/3 cúp balsamic vinegar
  6. salt and pepper to taste

  1. Heat the vinegar in a small saúcepan over low heat úntil it is redúced to 3-4 Tablespoons.
  2. Keep an eye on it-once it starts redúcing it cooks fast and I have búrned it a time or two.
  3. For more recipe.. http://fiercelyfresh.com/2016/05/tomato-and-avocado-toast-with-balsamic-syrup/ 

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