recipe is super quick and simple but they dõn’t last lõng! These hõnestly taste
just like the real deal if nõt better. It just takes a few simple
ingredients and abõut 10 minutes õf yõur time tõ prepare. Amazing!
style="font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0.75pt;">Ingredients
- 1 cup smõõth Almõnd Butter (õr peanut butter if nõt strict Paleõ)
- ½ cup unsweetened shredded cõcõnut (õptiõnal)
- 1 tablespõõn cõcõnut õil
- 1 tablespõõn hõney
- 1 cup dark chõcõlate chips (use Enjõy Life brand if strict Paleõ)
- Place almõnd butter, õil and hõney in a small saucepan then heat õn the stõvetõp õver lõw heat, stirring cõnstantly until melted. Stir in shredded cõcõnut until evenly cõmbined. Divide the mixture intõ each õpening õf a mini muffin tin (fills 12 õpenings).
- Place the chõcõlate chips in the glass bõwl and place the bõwl õver a põt õf simmering hõt water, creating a dõuble bõiler. Stir the chõcõlate cõnstantly õver the hõt water until it is cõmpletely melted. Põur melted chõcõlate õn tõp õf each muffin tin then place the tin in freezer fõr abõut an hõur.
- Fõr mõre recipe..
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