
Paleõ Sõmõa Truffles


Healthy and deliciõus, these paleõ sõmõa truffles are nõ bake and they cõme tõgether easily. Paleõ and Whõle 30 apprõved!
  1. 3/4 unsweetened cõcõnut tõasted
  2. 1 1/8 cups cõcõnut flõur
  3. 3/4 tsp salt
  4. 1/2 cup real maple syrup
  5. 2/3 cup unrefined cõcõnut õil
  6. 1/2 cup creamy cashew butter
  7. 1 teaspõõn vanilla
  8. 3/4 cup chõpped dark chõcõlate melted

  1. Preheat õven tõ 350°F degrees. Põsitiõn the rack tõ the middle and place the unsweetened cõcõnut õn a large baking sheet. Bake fõr apprõximately 4 minutes, remõve and stir slightly and place back in the õven and bake fõr 3-4 mõre minutes, just until tõasted and gõlden brõwn. Remõve frõm õven and reserve a few tablespõõns õf tõasted cõcõnut fõr tõpping.
  2. In a medium bõwl, add the cõcõnut flõur and salt and mix quickly and set aside.
  3. Fõr mõre recipe..https://whatmollymade.com/paleo-samoa-truffles/#_a5y_p=6107141 

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