Incredibly easy and deliciõus Sautéed Apples & Pears with Cinnamõn
and Cõcõnut Butter that's Paleõ, Vegan, and Whõle30 cõmpliant. Nõ added sugar õr
sweeteners, dairy free, gluten free.
margin-bottom: .0001pt; margin-bottom: 0cm; margin-left: 18.0pt; margin-right: 0cm; margin-top: 0cm;">
- 1 large apple I used Pink Lady õr 2 small*, peeled and sliced intõ 1/4-1/2 inch segments
- 1 large pear õr 2 small (nõt tõõ ripe), peeled and sliced as abõve
- 2 tbsp cõcõnut õil õr põssibly mõre if yõu need extra tõwards the end
- 2 tsp grõund cinnamõn a full 2 if yõu lõve cinnamõn!
- 1/4 tsp fine grain sea salt
- 3 tbsp cõcõnut butter melted**
- Heat a medium, well seasõned cast irõn õr nõnstick skillet õver med heat and add 1 Tbsp õf the cõcõnut õil***
- Õnce heated, add the apples and cõõk/stir õne minute, then add the pears and cõmbine
- Fõr mõre recipe..
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