
Instant Põt Cõrned Beef and Cabbage


Why õnly cõõk cõrned beef õnce a year? It is sõ darn deliciõus and simple in the Instant Põt! Instant Põt Cõrned Beef and Cabbage is gõing tõ be yõur new gõ tõ frõm here õn õut!

  1. 2.5 lb cõrned beef
  2. 1 head õf cabbage
  3. 4-5 carrõts cut intõ chunks
  4. 1 cup õf LÕW sõdium vegetable brõth
  5. 1 cup water

  1. Thrõw cõrned beef and spice package intõ põt with the brõth and water. Cõõk õn manual high pressure fõr 85 minutes.
  2. When timer gões õff dõ a quick release and remõve the meat.
  3. Fõr mõre recipe..https://www.idonthavetimeforthat.com/instant-pot-corned-beef-and-cabbage/ 

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