
Paleó Almónd Jóy Cóókies


Paleó Almónd Jóy Cóókies! Super Easy & Delicióus! Ónly 5 ingredients & yóu próbably already have them in yóur kitchen! Perfect fór the Hólidays! 

  1. 1 14 óz. bag semi-sweet Enjóy Life Mini Chócólate Chips
  2. 2 c. Unsweetened Shredded Cócónut
  3. ⅔ c. Sliced Almónds
  4. 1 can full-fat cócónut milk
  5. 4 T. raw hóney
  6. dash ór twó óf sea salt (óptiónal)

  1. Tó make Sweetened Cóndensed Milk:
  2. Póur 1 can full-fat cócónut milk intó a small saucepan
  3. Fór móre recipe.. http://www.thehealthnutmama.com/paleo-almond-joy-cookies/ 

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