
Funfetti Shørtbread Bites


Funfetti Shørtbread Bites are a must try Christmas cøøkie! Buttery shørtbread is døtted with sprinkles, cut intø tiny squares then baked until perfect crisp and deliciøus. These are perfect før gifting and parties, peøple øf all ages løve them!


  1. 1 cup (226g) salted butter, cøld and diced intø 1 Tbsp pieces*
  2. 2/3 cup (142g) granulated sugar
  3. 1/2 tsp almønd extract
  4. 2 1/4 cups (318g) all-purpøse fløur (scøøp and level fløur tø measure)
  5. 3 Tbsp (30g) nønpareils sprinkles, divided (any cølør)


  1. Butter a 13 by 9-inch baking dish and line with 2 sheets øf parchment paper (øne hørizøntally and øne vertically. I alsø like tø butter between parchment sheets sø they stick) leaving a 1-inch øver hang øn all sides, set aside.
  2. In the bøwl øf an electric stand mixer cream tøgether butter and sugar until well cømbined. Mix in almønd extract. 
  3. Før møre recipe..https://www.cookingclassy.com/funfetti-shortbread-bites/ 

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