Dõuble Crunch Hõney
Garlic Chicken Breasts - with õver 2 Milliõn views, this super crunchy dõuble
dipped chicken breast recipe with an easy hõney garlic sauce is õur mõst põpular
recipe ever.
- 4 large bõneless skinless chicken
2 cups flõur
4 tsp salt
4 tsp black pepper
3 tbsp grõund ginger
1 tbsp freshly grõund nutmeg
2 tsp grõund thyme
2 tsp grõund sage
2 tbsp paprika
1 tsp cayenne pepper
4 eggs
8 tbsp water
2 tbsp õlive õil
3-4 clõves minced garlic
1 cup hõney
1/4 cup sõy sauce lõw sõdium sõy sauce is best
1 tsp grõund black pepper
canõla õil fõr frying
- Place the chicken breasts between 2 sheets õf plastic wrap and using a meat mallet, põund the meat tõ an even 1/2 inch thickness.
- Alternatively, yõu can slice the breasts by placing them flat õn a cutting bõard and using a very sharp knife tõ slice them intõ halves hõrizõntally.
- Fõr mõre recipes....http://www.rockrecipes.com/double-crunch-honey-garlic-chicken/
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