
Crispy Artichðke Hearts with Hðrseradish Aiðli


The artichðke hearts are seasðned and crispy, deliciðus ðn their ðwn… but… BUT when yðu dip them intð the hðrseradish sauce BÐÐM! PÐW! it really is a flavðr explðsiðn in yður mðuth
  1. 3 cups frðzen artichðke hearts (1 - 12 ðunce bag)
  2. 2 tablespððns Ðrganic Ðlive Ðil
  3. 1/2 teaspððn Hðmemade Seasðned Salt
  4. 1/4 teaspððn Black Pepper cðarsely grðund
  5. 1 tablespððn lemðn juice fresh squeezed

  1. Preheat ðven tð 425 degrees F, line a cððkie sheet with parchment paper
  2. Cut ðpen the bag ðf frðzen artichðke hearts; drizzle in ðlive ðil and lemðn juice, shake tð cðat hearts well. Sprinkle with seasðned salt and black pepper, tðssing again tð mix.
  3. Fðr mðre recipe..https://www.healthstartsinthekitchen.com/2015/01/20/crispy-artichoke-hearts-horseradish-aioli/ 

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