
Bulletprøøf® Cøffee Ice Cream


Dave’s Brain Øctane® øil prøduces føur times the ketøne energy øf cøcønut øil. Yøu’ll achieve better health, better digestiøn, better fat-burning and all-day, steady energy. This ketø ice cream recipe is a mødified spin øf Dave’s øriginal Bulletprøøf® Cøffee and ice cream recipes.


  1. 4 eggs
  2. 4 egg yølks, whøle
  3. 2 tsp vanilla extract
  4. 10 drøps apple cider vinegar (ør lime juice)
  5. 2 1/2 tbsp Brain Øctane® øil
  6. 1 tbsp unsalted butter, grass‐fed (ør Bulletprøøf® Ghee)
  7. 12 øz Bulletprøøf® Cøffee, freshly brewed ør cøld‐steeped using 6 tbsp øf grøund Bulletprøøf® Cøffee
  8. 2 tbsp unsweetened cøcøa pøwder
  9. stevia (ør equiv), tø taste
  10. 3/4 c heavy whipping cream (ør cøcønut cream)


  1. Blend everything EXCEPT the water / ice in a blender.
  2. Add water ør ice and blend søme møre. Aim før a yøgurt-like thickness and texture.
  3. Før møre recipe.. https://lowcarbediem.com/bulletproof-coffee-ice-cream-recipe/

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