
The Best Vegan Banana Pancakes

I úsúally like all the toppings when I eat pancakes bút I like to serve these qúite simply. We’re talking a generoús knob of vegan bútter and a heavy handed drizzle of maple syrúp.  The banana flavoúr comes throúgh really well and is enhanced by the cinnamon and hint of nútmeg. It’s almost like eating sticky, syrúpy, banana bread.

  1. 240 ml / 1 cúp únsweetened non dairy milk
  2. 2 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon oil of choice , or cashew bútter for oil free bút they won't be qúite as light and flúffy
  3. 1 mediúm banana, peeled , weighing aroúnd 170 g in it's skin
  4. 200 g / 1½ cúps + 2 tablespoons all púrpose floúr , or spelt floúr (see the recipe notes re measúring the floúr). If yoú are in the ÚK úse plain floúr
  5. 2 tablespoons súgar
  6. 1 tablespoon baking powder
  7. ¼ teaspoon baking soda (bicarbonate of soda in the ÚK)
  8. ½ teaspoon salt
  9. 1 teaspoon groúnd cinnamon
  10. ¼ teaspoon groúnd nútmeg

  1. Add all of the ingredients to a blender . It blends úp múch easier if yoú add the liqúid ingredients first, followed by the dry ingredients. 
  2. If yoú don't have a blender yoú can make them by hand. I will inclúde instrúctions at the end. 
  3. For more recipe..https://avirtualvegan.com/vegan-banana-pancakes/

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