
Lobster Rolls with Lemon Herb Bútter

Once yoú try warm Lobster Rolls with Lemon Herb Bútter, yoú’ll never go back to the New England version again.  Packed fúll of sweet lobster, fresh herbs, lemon zest and bútter this roll is what súmmer is aboút.
  1. 2 - 1 1/4 lobsters, steamed
  2. 8 tablespoons únsalted bútter, softened
  3. 1 lemon, zested
  4. 1 teaspoon chopped basil, súch as Goúrmet Garden
  5. 1/2 teaspoon chopped parsley, súch as Goúrmet Garden
  6. 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes, súch as Goúrmet Garden
  7. 4 hot dog rolls, top-split preferred

  1. Pick the meat from the claws, knúckles, and tails of the lobsters. Be carefúl to avoid pieces of shell when removing the meat from the lobsters. Roúghly chop úp the tail meat and try to leave the claw pieces intact. Set aside.
  2. In a small bowl combine the softened bútter, lemon zest, basil, parsley and red pepper flakes. Mix úntil spread thoroúghly throúghoút the bútter.
  3. For more recipe.. http://girlinthelittleredkitchen.com/2015/06/lobster-rolls-with-lemon-herb-butter/ 

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