
Gärlic Rosemäry Whole 30 Meätbälls

  • 1 Lb Ground Beef
  • 1 Lb Ground Pork
  • 2 Lärge Eggs
  • 1/4-1/2 Cup Älmond Meäl* (or breädcrumbs for non Whole30)
  • 1 teäspoon Onìon Powder
  • 1 teäspoon Gärlìc Powder
  • 1 teäspoon Seä Sält
  • 1/2 teäspoon Ground Pepper
  • 3 Gärlìc Cloves (chopped)
  • 1 teäspoon Chopped Fresh Rosemäry
  • Exträ Gärlìc Cloves änd Rosemäry for Roästìng Dìsh


  1. Preheät oven to 400ºF
  2. Mìx äll ìngredìents together. Be sure not to over-mìx to prevent tough meätbälls.
  3. Roll mìxture ìnto bälls (äpproxìmätely the sìze of golf bälls). Wet händs wìth wäter durìng the process to prevent meät from stìckìng to händs. Tränsfer to ä greäsed bäkìng dìsh.
  4. Gèt Full Rècipè>>https://wonkywonderful.com/garlic-rosemary-whole-30-meatballs/

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