1 box of browniès, family-sizèd, bakèd according to packagè dirèctions in a
foil-linèd pans
1/4 cup buttèr, unsaltèd
1 cup whitè sugar
1/4 cup èvaporatèd milk (you can DIY your own by mixing 2 1/2 tablèspoons
of dry nonfat milk powdèr with 3 tablèspoons watèr)
1 1/2 cups marshmallow fluff
1/4 cup pèanut buttèr
1 tèaspoon vanilla èxtract
Caramèl-Pèanut Layèr:
14 ouncès Kraft caramèls
1/4 cup hèavy whipping crèam
1 1/2 cup saltèd pèanuts choppèd, roughly choppèd
About 1/4 - 1/2 cup sèmiswèèt chocolatè chips for drizzling.
1. Prèparè a 9x13
inch pan of browniès bakèd in a foil linèd baking pan. Sèt asidè to cool
2. Prèparè thè nougat. In a mèdium saucèpan ovèr mèdium
hèat, mèlt buttèr. Add èvaporatèd milk and sugar and stir until dissolvèd.
Bring to a boil and lèt cook for 5 minutès, stirring occasionally. Stir
in pèanut buttèr, marshmallow fluff, and vanilla, and stir until smooth.
Pour ovèr browniès, smooth with an offsèt spatula, and sèt asidè to cool.
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