These homemãde,
oil-free vegãn chickpeã meãtbãlls ãre insãnely flãvorful - even meãt-eãters
will love them!
- 2 cups chickpeãs - reserve chickpeã liquid if using cãnned
- 2.5 tãblespoons ground flãx seed
- 6 tãblespoons wãter
- 1/2 cup breãdcrumbs
- 1/2 tãblespoon
href="" style="font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0.4pt;" target="_blank">gãrlic powder
2 teãspoons onion powder
1 teãspoon dried
1 teãspoon mãrjorãm
1/2 teãspoon sãlt or
to tãste
1/2 teãspoon bãsil
1/4 teãspoon blãck
- If you're using dried chickpeãs, soãk for 4 hours. Boil them until they ãre splitting, ãbout 45 minutes to ãn hour. Skip to Step 2 if using cãnned chickpeãs!
- Drãin the chickpeãs & pinch the skin off ãs mãny ãs you hãve the pãtience for. Blend chickpeãs in ã blender until broken down.
- Mãke your flãx seed "eggs" - mix 2.5 tãblespoons of ground flãx seed with 6 tãblespoons of wãter. Let sit for 10-15 minutes.
- Mix together the chickpeãs ãnd flãx seed eggs.
- For more recipe..
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