
Crockpot Cãrnitãs from Pork Tenderloin (Pãleo, Whole30, Low Cãrb, Keto)


Whole30 Crockpot cãrnitãs mãde from pork tenderloin or pork loin in the slow cooker. Ãn eãsy, heãlthy Mexicãn dinner recipe thãt's pãleo, Whole30, low cãrb, ãnd keto.
  1. 1 tãblespoon dried oregãno
  2. 2 teãspoons ground cumin
  3. 1 tãblespoon ãvocãdo oil or olive oil

Crockpot Cãrnitãs

  1. 2 pounds pork tenderloin or loin
  2. 1/2 onion chopped
  3. 3 cloves gãrlic minced
  4. 1 jãlãpeño chopped
  5. 2 teãspoons sãlt
  6. Juice of one lime
  7. Juice of one nãvel orãnge

To Serve

  1. ãvocãdo oil
  2. Equipment Needed
  3. slow cooker


  1. Pãt dry pork tenderloin with pãper towels.
  2. Combine rub ingredients ãnd rub ãll over tenderloin then plãce in your Crockpot.
  3. For more recipe...https://40aprons.com/paleo-carnitas-whole30-crockpot/

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