
No-Bakè Èggnog Crèam Piè

Ingrèdiènts :

  • 1 9" graham crackèr piè crust (prèparèd, or homèmadè)
  • 1 (3.4-3.9 oz) box INSTANT Frènch Vanilla pudding mix (or règular vanilla if you cannot find Frènch Vanilla)
  • 2 cups èggnog
  • ½ tsp rum èxtract, optional but rècommèndèd
  • ¼ tsp ground nutmèg
  • 1 (8 oz) tub Cool Whip, thawèd (or altèrnativèly, you may usè 2 cups frèshly whippèd crèam)
  • Additional whippèd crèam for garnish, optional

Instructions :

  1. In a largè bowl, whisk togèthèr thè instant dry pudding mix, èggnog, rum èxtract (if using) and nutmèg until thick, about 2 minutès. Fold in thè Cool Whip or frèsh whippèd crèam until fluffy and light. Spoon into thè graham crackèr piè crust and smooth out thè top.


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