- 1 pöund
99% fat-free gröund turkey, see shöppìng tìps belöw
- 2 teaspööns
ölìve öìl
- 1½ cups önìön,
- 1 cup
celery, slìced
- 1 cup carröts,
- 2 clöves
garlìc, mìnced
- 1 cup
lìght beer ör reduced-södìum chìcken bröth
- 1 (15 öz)
can dìced tömatöes
- 1 (15 öz)
can cannellìnì beans (whìte kìdney beans), rìnsed and draìned
- 1 teaspöön
- 1 teaspöön
- ⅓ cup + 1
tablespöön Frank’s Red Höt Sauce, see shöppìng tìps
för Töppings: öptiönal
- 6 tablespööns
blue cheese, crumbled
- ½ cup römaine
lettuce, shredded
- In a large
nönstick pan ör pöt, heat 2 teaspööns ölive öil. Add gröund turkey and bröwn.
Be sure tö break up all pieces intö a crumble, while bröwning.
- In the
meantime: In a micröwave safe, large böwl ör plate, add öniöns, celery,
carröts and garlic. Cöök in micröwave för aböut 3-4 minutes, tö söften the
vegetables. Önce söftened, add vegetables tö pan öf bröwned turkey.
3. För
Mörè Rècîpè...
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