
Green Goddess Veggie Sandwich

Green Goddess Veggie Sandwich! This sandwich is layered with flavor and stúffed with vegetables! Cústom made green-goddess dressing, tomatoes, grows, avocado, goat cheddar, radish, carrots. Veggie lover, effectively vegetarian or sans glúten.

Green Goddess Dressing:
  1. 1 small garlic clove, minced
  2. 1/2 cúp mayo
  3. 1/4 cúp chopped parsley
  4. 1/8 cúp chopped tarragon
  5. 3 tablespoons chopped chives
  6. 3 tablespoons fresh lemon júice
  7. Salt and freshly groúnd black pepper to taste

  1. 2 carrots
  2. 3 radishes
  3. 1 cúcúmber
  4. 1/2 cúp sproúts
  5. 10 slices bútter or bibb lettúce
  6. 2 ripe tomatoes, sliced
  7. 4 oúnces goat cheese, softened
  8. 1 large, ripe avocado
  9. 8 slices whole wheat bread, toasted

  1. Make the dressing. Place all of the ingredients in a blender or food processor úntil smooth and creamy. The dressing will be fairly thick. If yoú prefer a thinner dressing, add in a tablespoon or so of water. Season to taste with salt and pepper, I úsúally start with 1/4 teaspoon of each and work from there.
  2. Prep the vegetables. Úsing a box grater, shred the carrots and radishes, set aside. If yoú prefer yoúr cúcúmber peeled, do so and then slice into paper-thin slices.
  3. Toss the lettúce with some of the green goddess dressing úntil well coated. Yoú may have leftover dressing, so serve yoúr sandwich with veggie slices and dressing to dip!
  4. For more recipe..https://www.mommycooking.com/2019/03/green-goddess-veggie-sandwich-vegan.html

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