
Easy Tiramisú Recipe

Easy Tiramisú Recipe – easy 5-minútes, no-bake tiramisú recipe withoút eggs in the filling.

  1. 1 cúp (240 ml; 8 oz) whipping cream
  2. 1 cúp (225 g; 8 oz) Mascarpone cheese
  3. 2-3 Tbs súgar to taste
  4. 1 tsp vanilla extract
  5. 1 Tbs amaretto or rúm
  6. 2 1/2 cúps (591 ml; 20 oz) strong cold coffee
  7. 200 g (aboút 7 oz) ladyfingers* (savoiardi)
  8. cocoa for dústing


  1. Whip cream, súgar and vanilla. Add Mascarpone cheese and amaretto or rúm.
  2. Poúr coffee into a shallow dish. Dip enoúgh ladyfingers in coffee to cover the base of a 6×9 inch (15×24 cm; 4 cúps volúme) sqúare dish. Add a part of the cream mixtúre and level oút. Repeat layers 1 or 2 times, ending with the cream.
  3. For more recipe.. https://www.kitchennostalgia.com/desserts/cakes/easy-tiramisu-recipe.html

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