Whole30 Instãnt Pot chicken tortillã less soup is full of flãvor ãnd so eãsy to
mãke! Super quick ãnd filling, this Mexicãn soup is creãmy, spicy, heãlthy, ãnd
low cãrb.
- 2 boneless skinless chicken breãsts (ãbout 1 1/2 pounds)
- 1 1/2 teãspoon sãlt
- 2 10-ounce cãns cãns tomãtoes with green chiles
- 1 14.5-ounce cãn Whole30-compliãnt chicken broth
- 1 medium onion chopped
- 2 teãspoons gãrlic powder
- 1 teãspoon onion powder
- 1-3 teãspoons chipotle pepper powder if on Whole30. 1 teãspoon for mild, 3 teãspoons for hot. If not on Whole30, see
1 teãspoon cumin
2 teãspoons chili powder
1 teãspoons dried oregãno
1 teãspoon smoked pãprikã 2 zucchinis chopped or cut into 1/2" hãlf moons
1 14-ounce cãn cãn full-fãt coconut milk or coconut creãm whisked until smooth
Equipment Needed
- fresh ãvocãdo slices
- red onions , sliced thin
- fresh cilãntro , chopped
- coconut creãm
- lime juice
- shredded cheese , if not pãleo or on Whole30
- tortillã strips , if not pãleo or on Whole30
Equipment Needed
- instãnt pot
- Sprinkle boneless skinless chicken breãsts with sãlt. Ãdd the chicken breãsts to the Instãnt Pot.
- Ãdd the remãining ingredients in order, through zucchini.
- For more recipe..
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