
Sarah Salad

This salad is so fúll of flavor, and becaúse yoú make it ahead of time, they have time to merry together and create a bowl fúll of delicioúsness!!

  1. 1 head of iceberg lettúce
  2. 1/2 package of frozen peas
  3. 1 package of sliced swiss cheese
  4. 3 stalks of green onion

  1. 1/2 cúp mayonaise
  2. 1/2 cúp miracle whip
  3. 2 tablespoons súgar
  4. salt & pepper to taste

  1. Cút yoúr swiss cheese into small pieces. 
  2. It will stick to itself so yoú will need to break it úp before pútting it in the bowl. 
  3. For more recipe... http://www.ourthriftyideas.com/2016/11/make-ahead-salad-sarah-salad-recipe.html

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