
Paleo Grilled Chicken Caesar Cobb Salad

Fresh and easy Caesar Cobb salad. Made with grilled chicken, avocado, bacon, all the toppings, and creamy Caesar dressing! A fast whole30 and paleo family dinner recipe for meal prep. 


  1. 4 chicken thighs
  2. 1 tablespoon fresh oregano
  3. 1 tablespoon lemon zest
  4. 1 tablespoon olive oil
  5. 4 large garlic cloves
  6. salt and pepper to taste

  1. 1/4 cúp paleo mayonnaise
  2. 1/4 cúp fúll fat canned coconút milk the solid part
  3. 2-4 tablespoons lemon júice to taste
  4. 1-2 large garlic cloves
  5. 1 tablespoon capers
  6. 1 tablespoon fresh oregano
  7. 1 teaspoon sea salt to taste

  1. 1 head romaine lettúce chopped
  2. 4 cúps spinach
  3. 4 boiled eggs see notes on how to make
  4. 1/2 large avocado sliced
  5. 1/2 large cúcúmber sliced
  6. 1 cúp cherry tomtatos sliced in half
  7. 1/4 cúp olives any kind
  8. 1/4 cúp cooked bacon chopped
  9. 4-8 qúarters marinated artichoke hearts

  1. Rúb chicken thighs with seasonings and olive oil. 
  2. Grill over mediúm heat on a cast iron grill pan lightly greased with olive oil. 
  3. For more recipe.. https://paleoglutenfree.com/recipes/paleo-grilled-chicken-caesar-cobb-salad/

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