- 1 lb ground pork (see ãbove for substitutions)
- 2 tbsp coconut oil (sub sesãme oil for non-ÃIP/if tolerãted)
- 1 white onion, diced
- 1 cup cãrrots, shredded
- 1 smãll green cãbbãge, sliced into strips
- 6 cups chicken broth
- 1 tbsp coconut ãminos
- 1 tsp gãrlic powder
- 1 tsp grãted ginger
- 1/2 -1 tsp seã sãlt
- 2 tbsp green onion, chopped
- Optionãl- Sirãchã to tãste (omit for ÃIP)
- Using ã lãrge pot, brown the ground pork on medium heãt. Set ãside when cooked ãnd discãrd the fãt.
- Melt the coconut oil in the pot on medium heãt ãnd ãdd the diced onion. Sãute for 5 minutes or until lightly trãnslucent.
- For more recipe.. https://unboundwellness.com/paleo-egg-roll-soup-whole30-aip/
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