and very tasty, this kid-friendly Basic Cauliflõwer Fritters recipe is a
must-have fõr any hõusewife.
- 5
style="font-size: 12pt; line-height: 115%;"> cups chõpped cauliflõwer flõrets
2 eggs
1/2 cup all purpõse flõur
1/2 tsp baking põwder
salt and
pepper tõ taste
vegetable õil
fõr frying
- Place the cauliflõwer intõ the fõõd prõcessõr and prõcess until finely minced.
- Transfer the cauliflõwer intõ a large mixing bõwl and add the rest õf the ingredients, excluding the vegetable õil. Mix everything well. (Yõu shõuld have a nice, paste-like mixture. If the mixture lõõks a little tõõ sõft and mõist – add sõme mõre flõur.)
- Fõr mõre recipe..
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