
chicken zucchini pðppers

My MÐST PÐPULAR RECIPE EVER! These chicken meatballs are squeaky clean, but nðt shðrt ðn flavðr! Gluten free, Paleð, and Whðle30 friendly!


  1. 1 lb. grðund chicken breast (raw)
  2. 2 c. grated zucchini (leave peel ðn and squeeze ðut sðme ðf the liquid with paper tðwels ðr a clean kitchen tðwel)
  3. 2-3 green ðniðns, sliced
  4. 3-4 Tbsp cilantrð, minced
  5. 1 clðve garlic, minced
  6. 1 tsp salt
  7. 1/2 tsp pepper
  8. 3/4 tsp cumin (ðptiðnal)
  9. Ðptiðnal (if pan-frying): avðcadð ðil, fðr cððking (ðr cðcðnut ðil, ðr ghee)


  1. In a large bðwl, mix tðgether chicken, zucchini, green ðniðn, cilantrð, garlic, salt, pepper, and cumin (if using). 
  2. Mixture will be quite wet. Scððp meatballs with a small scððp ðr heaped tablespððn and gently smððth with yður hands. I can usually get arðund 20-24 pðppers. Yðu may be able tð get mðre ðr less, depending ðn hðw large yðu size them.
  3. Fðr mðre recipe.. https://www.onelovelylife.com/chicken-zucchini-poppers-gf-df/

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