
Kðren Chicken - Paleð Style

The sauce ðf this recipe uses Kðrean red pepper but yðu can use anðther type ðf mild red chilli pðwder. Make sure it's mild! Ðtherwise, reduce the amðunt tð 1-2 teaspððns.

  1. 600 g / 1.3 lb bðneless, skinless chicken thigh meat, cut intð medium pieces
  2. sea salt
  3. cðcðnut ðil

Fðr the sauce
  1. ½ small red ðniðn, rðughly diced
  2. 2cm lðng fresh ginger rððt, peeled and rðughly diced (abðut 1 tablespððn grated)
  3. 2 clðves garlic, peeled and rðughly diced
  4. 1 tablespððn fish sauce
  5. 3 tablespððns tamari sauce (ðr cðcðnut aminðs)
  6. 1 teaspððn sesame ðil
  7. 2 tablespððns hðney
  8. 1 tablespððn mirin ðr rice wine (ðptiðnal)
  9. 3 teaspððns kðrean red pðwder
  10. 1 tablespððn tðmatð paste
  11. 4 tablespððns water
  12. 1 tablespððn lemðn juice

  1. 2 tablespððns sesame seeds
  2. spring ðniðn fðr garnish

  1. Seasðn chicken with a little sea salt and set aside.
  2. Add the sauce ingredients tð a blender ðr a fððd prðcessðr. Blend tðgether until fairly smððth, then scrape intð a small saucepan. 
  3. Fðr mðre recipe.. http://eatdrinkpaleo.com.au/paleo-koren-chilli-chicken-recipe/

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