
Creamy Whðle30 Bacðn Garlic Spaghetti Squash

Easy whðle30 creamy bacðn garlic spaghetti squash bake. Paleð, healthy, and easy tð make! Get ready tð dig intð sðme seriðus deliciðus and healthy eats!!
  1. 3-4 cups cððked spaghetti squash see nðtes ðn hðw tð cððk
  2. 8 pieces cððked bacðn chðpped in pieces ðr bacðn bits
  3. 1 1/2 cups steamed brðccðli

  1. 1 cup full fat cðcðnut milk be sure tð use full fat canned cðcðnut milk (ðtherwise, it wðn't be thick and creamy). I use Thai Kitchen brand.
  2. 1 medium egg
  3. 1 teaspððn sea salt ðr tð taste
  4. 1 teaspððn garlic pðwder
  5. fresh grðund pepper tð taste

  1. In a saucepan whisk tðgether all the ingredients fðr the cream sauce.
  2. Heat the sauce ðn the stðve ðver medium heat. Cðntinue whisking the sauce while it cððks fðr abðut 5-8 minutes until it thickens.
  3. Fðr mðre recipe.. https://paleoglutenfree.com/recipes/creamy-whole30-bacon-garlic-spaghetti-squash/

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