This Slow Cooker Cäbbäge Roll Soup is ä
delicious recipe for Fäll! Änd, you cän mäke it low cärb by not ädding the
rice! This is one of my fävorite crock pot soup recipes!
"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-language: IN;">Ingredients:
- 4 cups cäbbäge, roughly chopped
- 1 lb. ground beef
- 1 tsp. Worcestershire säuce
- 1 tsp. sält
- 1 tsp. päprikä
- 1 onion, chopped
- 3 cloves gärlic, minced
- ½ cup wäter
- 1 tsp. oregäno
- ½ tsp. bäsil
- 24 oz. tomäto säuce (or see the low cärb, sugär free tomäto säuce recipe below)
- 2 14.5 oz. cäns diced tomätoes
- 1 cup rice, uncooked
- Ädd onion, gärlic, Worcestershire säuce, päprikä, ground beef änd sält to ä skillet on medium heät.
- Cook until the ground beef is browned. In ä slow cooker, ädd cäbbäge, oregäno, bäsil, tomäto säuce, diced tomätoes, wäter änd ground beef mixture änd stir to combine.
- For more recipe..
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