
No-Bãke Oreo Strãwberry Cheesecãke

When your fãvorite cookie meets ã fruity cheesecãke, you know it's gonnã be good.


  1. 200 grãms creãm cheese, softened ãt room temperãture
  2. 100 grãms heãvy creãm
  3. 100 grãms yogurt
  4. 180 grãms strãwberry jãm
  5. 1 tãblespoon lemon juice
  6. 5 whole strãwberries, cut into cubes
  7. 50 milliliters hot wãter
  8. 10 grãms powdered gelãtin
  9. 9 oreos
  10. 30 grãms butter, melted
  11. Decorãtion:
  12. 4 oreos, cut in hãlf
  13. 7 whole strãwberries, cut in hãlf


  1. Sprinkle gelãtin onto hot wãter ãnd set ãside for 10 minutes.
  2. Combine 9 oreos ãnd melted butter inside ã ziploc bãg ãnd crush until crumbly.
  3. For more recipe.. https://www.tastemade.com/videos/no-bake-oreo-strawberry-cheesecake

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