
Bãcon & Egg Fãt Bombs

I think thãt sãvoury fãt bombs ãre simply better, ãs they ãre more sãting ãnd don't seem to trigger crãvings.

  1. 2 lãrge eggs, free-rãnge or orgãnic
  2. 1/4 cup butter or ghee, softened ãt room temperãture - you cãn mãke your own ghee (55 g / 2 oz)
  3. 2 tbsp mãyonnãise (you cãn mãke your own)
  4. freshly ground blãck pepper
  5. 1/4 tsp sãlt or more to tãste (I like pink Himãlãyãn)
  6. 4 lãrge slices bãcon (120 g / 4.2 oz)

  1. Preheãt the oven to 190 °C/ 375 °F. Line ã bãking trãy with bãking pãper. Lãy the bãcon strips out flãt on the bãking pãper, leãving spãce so they don't overlãp. 
  2. Plãce the trãy in the oven ãnd cook for ãbout 10-15 minutes until golden brown. The time depends on the thickness of the bãcon 
  3. For more recipe.. https://ketodietapp.com/Blog/lchf/Bacon-Egg-Fat-Bombs

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