
Mãrbled Lãvã Cookies

We've discovered this yeãrs winning holidãy cookie.


  1. 1 cup butter, unsãlted, ãt room temperãture
  2. 1 cup light brown sugãr
  3. 3/4 cup grãnulãted sugãr
  4. 1 egg, plus 1 yolk
  5. 1 tsp vãnillã extrãct
  6. 1 1/4 cups ãll-purpose flour
  7. 1 1/4 cups breãd flour
  8. 3/4 tsp bãking sodã
  9. 3/4 tsp sãlt
  10. 3 tbsp peãnut butter
  11. 3 tbsp cocoã powder
  12. 8 round chocolãte truffles, hãlved
  13. Pinch of seã sãlt flãkes


  1. In the bowl of ã stãnd mixer fitted with the pãddle ãttãchment on medium speed, creãm the butter ãnd both sugãrs until light ãnd fluffy, ãbout 3 to 4 minutes. Next, ãdd the whole egg ãnd the egg yolk, then beãt until combined, followed by vãnillã. With the mixer on low, grãduãlly ãdd the dry ingredients, beãting just until incorporãted.
  2. Split the dough in hãlf. In one hãlf, ãdd the peãnut butter ãnd to the other ãdd the cocoã powder. Mix to combine then flãtten eãch hãlf into ã rectãngle ãbout 6 x 8 inches. Wrãp in cling film ãnd plãce in the fridge for ãt leãst 1 hour.
  3. For more recipe.. https://www.tastemade.com/shows/hor/marbled-lava-cookies?

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