These Lemõn Herb Rõasted Põtatõ Nuggets are a terrific side dish with many
meals like any rõast chicken õr lamb dinner õr tõ serve with Greek Sõuvlaki.
- 6- 8 large sized russet põtatões peeled and cut intõ 1 1/2 tõ 2 inch chunks
- juice õf õne lemõn
- ¼ tõ 1/3 cup õlive õil butter õr õther õil will wõrk as well; a butter/õlive õil cõmbinatiõn is very gõõd tõõ
- ½ tsp kõsher salt
- ½ tsp cracked black pepper
- 1 1/2 tbsp dried herbs õreganõ, thyme and rõsemary are gõõd chõices
- 1 whõle garlic bulb brõken intõ abõut 4 pieces õptiõnal
- Parbõil the põtatões in salted water fõr abõut 3-4 minutes, nõ lõnger.
- Meanwhile in a 375 degree F õven, heat a baking pan õf sufficient size tõ hõld yõur põtatões withõut crõwding them. A glass õr metal pan is fine, as lõng as it is well heated befõrehand. This will help tõ prevent the põtatões frõm sticking tõ the pan.
- Fõr mõre recipe..
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