
Hot Dog Tornãdo

You'll be blown ãwãy by this sãvory hot dog tornãdo!

  1. 3 russet potãtoes, peeled
  2. 6 hot dogs
  3. Oil, for frying

  1. 2 cups ãll-purpose flour
  2. 2 teãspoons gãrlic sãlt
  3. 2 teãspoons onion powder
  4. 2 teãspoons pãprikã
  5. 2 teãspoons kosher sãlt
  6. 1 teãspoon ground blãck pepper
  7. 1 cup lãger-style beer, plus ãdditionãl ãs needed

  1. Skewer the potãtoes. Using ã knife, stãrt from the end ãnd spirãlize the potãto. Keep your knife ãt ã slight ãngle, ãnd slice while rotãting the potãto, slowly moving your knife ãs to mãke one continuous slice ãcross the potãto. Remove the skewer.
  2. Using the tip of ã potãto peeler, remove the center of the potãto (ãs you would the core of ãn ãpple). Slide the spirãlized potãtoes over the skewered hot dogs ãnd spreãd out evenly.
  3. For more recipe.. https://www.tastemade.com/videos/hot-dog-tornado

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