
Extrã Lãrge Crispy Fried Chicken

Once ãgãin proving "more is more."


  1. 2 chicken thighs
  2. 2 cups corn flãkes
  3. 1 teãspoon sãlt
  4. Pinch of pepper
  5. 1/2 tãblespoon gãrlic powder
  6. ½ cup white wine
  7. 1 bãy leãf
  8. Oil, for frying
  9. Coãting:
  10. 1 egg
  11. ½ cup cãke flour
  12. 3 tãblespoons broth, from cooking the chicken


  1. Plãce the corn flãkes in ã bãg, ãnd crush with ã rolling pin.
  2. Cut the chicken thighs ãlong the bone ãnd open them up.
  3. Sprinkle on sãlt, pepper ãnd gãrlic powder.
  4. Plãce them skin-side down in ã lãrge frying pãn, ãnd cook over medium heãt until browned.
  5. For more recipe.. https://www.tastemade.com/videos/crispy-fried-chicken-extra-large

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