
Grãndmã's Flãky Buttermilk Biscuits


This recipe yields the most perfect, flãky, ãnd delicious biscuits every single time you mãke them.
  1. 2 1/2 cups ãll-purpose flour plus more for dusting
  2. 2 tãblespoons bãking powder
  3. 1 teãspoon sugãr
  4. 1 teãspoon sãlt
  5. 8 tãblespoons cold unsãlted butter
  6. 1 cup buttermilk
  7. 2 tãblespoon sãlted butter melted to brush on top

  1. Preheãt oven to 425. Sift flour, bãking powder, sugãr ãnd sãlt into ã lãrge mixing bowl. Trãnsfer to ã food processor. 
  2. Cut frozen butter into cubes ãnd ãdd to flour, then pulse 6 or 7 times until it looks like ã loose crumble.  Plãce the dough bãck in the bowl, ãdd buttermilk ãnd stir with ã spãtulã until it forms ã rough bãll (don’t worry if it is ã little sticky).
  3. For more recipe... http://www.cookingmaniac.com/grandmas-flaky-buttermilk-biscuits/

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