
Thânksgiving Ring

Thânksgiving leftovers âren't regulâr leftovers, they're *cool* leftovers. Stuffed inside â crescent roll (bâsicâlly â giânt crescent roll), they're EVERYTHING.

  1. 1 (8-oz.) tube crescent rolls
  2. 1 c. leftover mâshed potâtoes
  3. 1 c. leftover stuffing
  4. 1 1/2 c. shredded leftover turkey
  5. 1 c. leftover crânberry sâuce
  6. 1 tbsp. melted butter
  7. 1 tbsp. gârlic powder
  8. Freshly chopped pârsley, for gârnish
  9. Leftover grâvy, wârmed, for dipping

  1. Preheât oven to 375°. Unroll crescent rolls, sepârâting eâch triângle. Ârrânge on bâking sheet in â sunburst pâttern, with pointy ends of triângles fâcing outwârd ând bâses of triângles overlâpping. 
  2. Spreâd mâshed potâtoes over triângle bâses, forming â ring. Top with stuffing, turkey, ând 
  3. For more recipe.. https://www.delish.com/cooking/a22999141/thanksgiving-ring-recipe/

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