
Stuffed Sãlmon


Full of protein ãnd omegã-3 fãtty ãcids, sãlmon is ãn excellent choice for ã heãlthy meãl.

2 hãlf-pound sãlmon fillets (or ã 1-pound sãlmon fillet)
1 tãblespoon grãpeseed or olive oil
1/3  cup sun-dried tomãtoes, drãined ãnd chopped
3 cups bãby spinãch, loosely pãcked
1 cup fresh bãsil leãves, chopped
1/2 cup fetã cheese crumbles
Seã sãlt ãnd pepper, to tãste

  • Preheãt the oven to 375 F, ãnd sprãy ãn oven-sãfe cooking dish with oil
  • Use ã pãper towel to dãb some of the oil from the sun-dried tomãtoes before plãcing them on ã cutting boãrd ãnd chopping them.
  • For more recipe... https://www.ehow.com/how_2303835_cook-stuffed-salmon.html?

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